A dawn-to-dusk general strike called Tuesday by a DMK-backed group in Tamil Nadu evoked partial response as public vehicles were plying on the roads while some shops downed their shutters.

Tamil Eelam Supporter’s Organisation (TESO) called for the strike urging the central government to support the anti-Sri Lanka resolution sponsored by the US in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Public transport buses and auto-rickshaws were plying on the roads while some commercial establishments remained closed.

Some industrial units in Coimbatore and Tiruppur were also closed due to the 12-hour general strike which began 6 a.m.

Activists of the DMK and other Tamil outfits held demonstrations in various parts of the state, police said.

In Tiruchirapalli (Trichy), several DMK cadres who were protesting on the roads were arrested.

DMK president M. Karunanidhi has advised his party men to participate in the general strike in a peaceful and non-violent manner, IANS reports.

(under the courtesy of adaderana news web)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

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